Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bring Everything Everyday

In my subbing experience in  the past year, I found some pretty cool things. I've taken pictures or remembered things that work or didn't work. However I have found the best thing yet!

This is a BEE Binder/folder...or a Bring Everything Everyday folder. This teacher had a binder for each child and in it was the school issued homework folder, and then a pencil pouch for notes and lunch money.

 There were also behavior charts. Each day she made either a green (good), yellow (ok), and red (bad) face. These faces were put written on the calendar for each day at the end of the day. This told the parent how each child was during the day, and she also wrote down what happened to cause the child to get into trouble.

She then also had all the important documents for the school and her room. These included her grading system,her behavior system, her homework policy, the school's dress code, and so much more!

I think this is real cool! I found this in a 1st grade room and helped keep the kids very organized. I was just curious if this would work in my 4th grade room. Something to think about. Helps the kids get organized and keeps up good ways for parent communication.

Peace, Love, and God's Blessings,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What a fantastic 23 year!

So a lot has happened since I last updated! Christmas went by and i was spoiled and we had lots of fun going to our friends house for Christmas dinner. Subbing started to pick up a lot more. I Have subbed more than I have had days off since December. So that's been great because I've been able to pay off my bills!

In January, my back started to hurt. And not just the typical hurt that comes with the type of problem i have. I mean the type of pain that wasn't going away and making it practically impossible to work or walk or do anything at all except lay in my bed. I started in Physical therapy and went there for about 20 sessions. That helped but only a little bit. I then started in water therapy. Boy that was a HUGE help! My first pain free day was in the middle of April. What a crazy coaster that has been. It's since gotten better and I'm at about pretty much pain free, but I still don't feel the way I was in December.

My birthday was at the end of April, and what a way to celebrate! Heck I'm still celebrating!!!

I started my birthday week  by going to see that beautiful God-daughter of mine the Saturday before my big day! Boy is she pretty! That was so much fun! She is 15 months old now and such a little stinker! She is running around and such a happy baby. She is SO smart too! She sang to me her own little song, she shares her toys, and everything. She truly is great!

The following Tuesday (the day before my big day) i got a call about going to an interview for a 4th grade position at my old grade school. How wonderful! Of course I was excited, but i wasn't sure that was what I really wanted. But if that's where God wants me, then by golly he'll get me there! So on my birthday morning, I got up and got ready for my interview. Had my interview in the afternoon and went to work in the evening. We went out to celebrate, and at 9:30 that night, they called to offer me the job! What a FANTASTIC birthday present! I mean a new job?!?!?

Then on the Thursday after my birthday, My best friend Marlene called to tell me they found a heartbeat for baby number 2! Chris and Mar are going to have another baby! I'm going to be an auntie again! So exciting!

This past week, I bought myself a brand new car! I got a Honda CR-V. I was planning on buying a new car as a soon as I got my first job, and so I did. I was going to wait about a month to purchase it because then I knew about my finances and stuff but I ended up doing it now instead! Its a great car and I LOVE it! It's 4 wheel drive, has a sunroof, and has a blue tooth for my phone. It's a great car and its so much fun to drive!

Coming up My dad and I are going to Atlanta (finally!!!) in June for teacher thing. I'm so excited to go to Atlanta! Its going to be so much fun! and we are going to go to the Georgia Aquarium and check out the city! I love the south and I hope that I don't fall in love with Atlanta so much that I will want to move there so quickly! I do love it, but I have a job secured for the fall.

I'm also going to King's Island with my girls again this year! This year is going to be EVEN BETTER because Owl City is going to be there! I'm so excited! It's going to be an even better time this year than last year!

I've been doing a lot more scrapbooking and card making things, so I'll be posting more of those as well as posting about my classroom and my findings as a new teacher! Stayed Tuned for so great fun! :]

Peace and God's Blessings,
